Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Power of the Sacred Mantras

A mantra is a sound, a word or a verse, or in essence is a mystical energy that resonates as sound.  The meaning of Mantra – Man coming from the Sanskrit manas meaning mind and Tra meaning to free, by using mantra and concentrating on the mantra we can free our minds from all the confusions and wrong ways of thinking, our problems that we seem to create can disappear into love and true happiness which brings calmness and a magical sense of being at peace.    The benefits of repeating a mantra either silently in the mind or out loud are huge, its energy can take form and manifest by opening the heart, filling the mind with purity and generating harmony and divine love. 
Mediation on mantras bring relief from the hustle and bustle of the mind and give us the space, energy and power to find clarity.  They inspire us at times when we need support and bring courage to those who seek to move forward in a positive direction. 
Light beautiful divine light is there within the mantra and is available to all who seek it, all we have to do so to speak is plug ourselves into the current and let it flow through us to infinite possibilities. 
I have found a great refuge in the Mantra OM.  When I have been confused, overwhelmed, unwell or sad, by sitting with a straight spine in a comfortable pose, bringing the awareness to the breath and then mentally repeating OM in time with my breathing with closed eyes, I have found great strength.   Even a few moments for busy people is incredibly beneficial.
When I have been in a difficult situation or seen somebody struggling badly I have also used this mantra to send this beautiful healing energy to that place or that person to offer support from this universal energy, if done with the right feeling and intention the results can be amazingly strong. 
When I have pain in my knee from a torn meniscus I chant OM into it and it is like sending soothing water into the joint. 
There are hundreds and thousands of mantras, each as important and as powerful as the next, but I guess OM may be the easiest for all of us to connect to without having to remember complicated Sanskrit or get the sound vibration completely correct.
Each morning and each evening chant OM, chant Om into your body, chant Om into your energies, chant OM into your mind, chant Om into your heart, chant OM into the world.  Chant OM for our own selves, chant OM for all living entities, chant Om for Mother Earth.  Take the vow of Ahimsa, that of non-violence by chanting either silently or out loud – OM for the protection of the sacred heart of love, compassion and peace.
The vibrations that are produced through the repetition of mantra will strengthen the memory of your true nature and as a result your vulnerabilities either physical, emotional, or mental or all will dissolve.  In the Upanishads it is stated that meditation reveals the mind, so chant Om repeatedly and allow the mind to pause and rest in its own self.
Let us make peace peace perfect peace.
Have beautiful days and enjoy the power of OM.

Mangala / Nicky

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